Abscess of the brain

I-abscess ye-Brain iyisifo esingavamile esingokwenyama, lapho i-abscess isakhiwe khona engqondweni yobuchopho, inomkhawulo we-serous capsule.

Izitebhisi ze-abscess of the brain

Ngokutadisha ama-micropreparations kwaqalwa ukuthi inqubo yokwakheka kwe-abscess emathangeni obuchopho ingahlukaniswa ngezigaba eziningana:

Izimbangela ze-abscess yobuchopho

Lesi sifo siyisithupha, kanti izindlela ezinkulu kanye nezici zokutheleleka ezicubu zobuchopho ziyizi:

Izimpawu ze-Absin Brain

Ukubonakaliswa kwe-pathology kuhlukile kakhulu, hhayi njalo okuqondile, okufana nesithombe somtholampilo sezinye izakhiwo zevolumu ezingavumelani, futhi ngezindlela eziningi zixhomeke endaweni kanye nosayizi we-abscess. Ezimweni eziningi, izimpawu ezilandelayo zikhona:

Imiphumela ye-abscess yobuchopho

Izinkinga eziyingozi zalesi sifo ngokungabikho kokunakekelwa kwezempilo okwanele kungaba:

Ukwelashwa kwe-abscess ye-cerebral

Izindlela eziyinhloko zokwelapha kuleli cala yizi:

Kungase kudingeke futhi ukuphatha izidakamizwa ze-nootropic.